National Biofuels Workshop
On September 29th 2016 a National Workshop Biofuels was held in Vienna, Austria, with app. 40 national experts from science, industry and policy dealing with research, development, demonstration or implementation of biofuels. The meeting was held at the premises of the Ministry of Traffic, Innovation and Technology (BMVIT) in the frame of the IEA research cooperation.
The focus of altogether 14 presentations was on Austrian developments and international participation of Austrian companies in the field of biofuels. Global development in bioenergy and biofuels, biofuels production and use in Austria, Austrian technology providers and biofuels research and development were presented.
Agenda Austrian Workshop Biofuels 29.09.2016
Welcome and Introduction
- 01_Recent developments in bioenergy and biofuels_Manfred Wörgetter, IEA Bioenergy
- 02_Biofuels production and use in Austria_Günther Lichtblau, Umweltbundesamt
Austrian Technology Providers
- 03_Commercial facilities for the production of lignocellulosic ethanol_Markus Lehr, Vogelbusch
- 04_Biomass gasification – key technology for the production of biofuels_Christian Aichernig, Repotec
Biofuels Research and Development
- 05_Improvement options for the sustainability of FAME_Gerfried Jungmeier, Joanneum Research
- 06_Bioethanol from straw, endless story?!_Alexander Jäger, FH Oberösterreich
- 07_Production of FT-diesel_Reinhard Rauch, TU Wien
- 08_Research studio Austria „OptFuel“: 2-stage anaerobic digestion of biowaste combined with power-to-gas_Johannes Lindorfer, Energieinstitut Linz
- 09_Utilisation of CO2 and H2 for the production of liquid biofuels_Lydia Rachbauer, IFA Tulln
- 10_Bioelectrochemical reduction of CO2 to alternative fuels_Wolfgang Schnitzhofer, ACIB
Recent work of IEA Bioenergy Tasks
- 11_Progress on biorefineries_Michael Mandl, IEA Bioenergy Task 42
- 12_Biomethane - Status and factors affecting market development and trade_Fabian Schipfer, IEA Bioenergy Task 40
- 13_Production of advanced biofuels_Dina Bacovsky, IEA Bioenergy Task 39
- 14_Update on microalgae cultivation for biofuels and other markets_Andrea Sonnleitner, Bioenergy 2020+