Das skandinavische Energieunternehmen St1 baut eine Bioraffinerie zur Herstellung von erneuerbarem Diesel und Flugkraftstoff
Das Energieunternehmen St1 hat eine Investitionsentscheidung für den Bau einer neuen Bioraffinerie in seiner Raffinerie in Göteborg in Schweden getroffen.
IEA Bioenergy Task 39 Newsletter #53
The latest Newsletter (#53) from IEA Bioenergy Task 39 is online on their Website.
Holz in der Bioökonomie = Bioraffinerie?!
24.10.2019, Straubing-Sand
Am 24.10.2019 findet an der Sennebogen Akademie in Straubiing die Fachveranstaltung "Holz in der Bioökonomie = Bioraffinerie?!" statt.
Clariant successfully concludes testing of energy crop miscanthus at Straubing plant for GRACE project
Clariant announced today that it has conducted tests on approximately 30 tons of miscanthus provided by INA, Croatia’s leading oil and gas company. The miscanthus biomass was harvested and baled at the INA demonstration site in Croatia in February this year and shipped for processing to Clariant’s pre-commercial sunliquid plant in Straubing, Germany for conversion into lignocellulosic sugars and ethanol.
First production of isobutene from wheat straw at demo scale
Sugars from wheat straw have been produced with Clariant’s sunliquid® technology at its pre-commercial facility in Straubing, Germany, which have been shipped to Global Bioenergies’ demonstration plant in Leuna, Germany
Biomethane potential Austria
A study by the Bioenergy 2020+ program in Austria showed that there is an additional potential of 4 bcm of biomethane mainly through gasification.
Drop-In Biofuels: The Key Role that Co-Processing will Play in their Production
IEA Bioenergy Webinar - Presentation online
The presentation and recording of the IEA Bioenergy Webinar Drop-In Biofuels: The Key Role that Co-Processing will Play in their Production can be seen online.
Top European Specialists on Renewable Gases join Forces in R2Gas
In July 2019 the CEOs of some of the top specialized SMEs on renewable gases in Europe decided to join forces in a new association called R2Gas (Research Centre for renewable gases) to further develop the production technology of renewable and sustainable gases as one of the energetic pillars of future energy production.
The potential of Hydrothermal Liquefaction (HTL) Routes for Biofuels Production
BEsustainable Magazine Autumn 2019
News, information and resources on biomass, bioenergy and bioeconomy with focus on Hydrothermal Liquefaction.
New study compares potential of different decarbonisation options in road transport
Sustainable fuels could play an important role in reducing transport emissions even as electric vehicles become cheaper says a new study from VTT and the University of Cambridge Judge Business School.
16. Symposium Energieinnovation TU Graz, ENERGY FOR FUTURE Wege zur Klimaneutralität
Call for Papers
Vom 12.-14. Februar 2020 findet an der TU Graz das nunmehr 16. Symposium Energieinnovation statt. Das Thema der diesjährigen Veranstaltung lautet: „ENERGY FOR FUTURE - Wege zur Klimaneutralität“.
Top Ten Blendstocks For Turbocharged GasolineEngines
Bio-blendstocksWith Potential to Deliver the for Highest Engine Efficiency
Gaspar,Daniel. 2019. Top Ten Blendstocks For Turbocharged GasolineEngines: Bio-blendstocksWith Potential to Deliver the for Highest Engine Efficiency. PNNL-28713,Pacific Northwest National Laboratory.
AMF Annex 58: Transport Decarbonisation Workshop
The Contribution of Advanced Renewable Transport Fuels to the Decarbonisation of Transport in 2030 an beyond
A workshop on “The Contribution of Advanced Renewable Transport Fuels to the Decarbonisation of Transport in 2030 an beyond†will be held on 18th of November in Brussels.
Latest AMFI Newsletter
IEA AMF Advanced Motor Fuels
The latest AMFI Newsletter from the IEA Technology Collaboration Programme on Advanced Motor Fuels has been published.
Online Konsultaton FTI Strategie
Die Online-Befragung des Bundeskanzleramts zur Strategie für Forschung, Technologie und Innovation (FTI) in Österreich ist bis 31.Oktober 2019 geöffnet.
BIOFIT Industry Forum
11th September 2019, Leipzig, Germany
The registration for the BIOFIT Industry Forum on the 11th of September 2019 in Leipzig is now open and the program is online.
ÖAMTC Reportage Unser neuer Kraftstoff
Reportage über neue Treibstoffe, Bio-Kraftstoffe wie Ethanol und Biodiesel und E-Fuels aus der Elektrolyse.
Forschungsforum Mobilität für Alle 2019
21.11.2019, Wien
Die Abteilung Mobilitäts- und Verkehrstechnologien (III/I4) des Bundesministeriums für Verkehr, Innovation und Technologie (BMVIT) lädt österreichische Expertinnen und Experten sowie am Thema interessierte Personen zum Forschungsforum „Mobilität für Alle 2019" ein.
Biogas in der Landwirtschaft - Stand und Perspektiven
9.-10. September 2019, Leipzig
Um den aktuellen Erkenntnisstand und daraus resultierende Lösungsansätze aufzuzeigen, laden die Fachagentur Nachwachsende Rohstoffe e.V. (FNR) und das Kuratorium für Technik und Bauwesen in der Landwirtschaft e.V. (KTBL) am 9. und 10. September 2019 zum Kongress „Biogas in der Landwirtschaft – Stand und Perspektiven“ nach Leipzig ein.
100% erneuerbares Erdgas und eine erdölfreie Land- und Forstwirtschaft
Sondercall der 6. CEBC
Aufgrund der aktuellen Klimaschutzdebatte, den anstehenden Weichenstellungen für die Energiewende und den enormen Schadholzmengen wurde beschlossen, die Sondercalls „100 Prozent erneuerbares Erdgas“ und „Erdölfreie Land- und Forstwirtschaft“ durchzuführen.