1592 records | Showing 921 to 940
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First Pump Sales of Isobutanol-Blended Gasoline in Texas

2015-08-10 | International | press release | biofuels

IEA Bioenergy: Call for applications for Technical Coordinator

2015-08-10 | International | call | renewable energy

The climate effect of increased forest bioenergy use in Sweden

2015-08-10 | International | publication | bioenergy

Ten Years RFS

2015-08-10 | International | press release | material use of biomass

FAO Global Vegetable Oil Price Index

2015-08-10 | International | press release | pure plant oil

Horizon 2020 kick-starts bio-based industries with €50 million

The first ten projects of the new Bio-Based Industries Joint Undertaking (BBI JU), a partnership between the EU and industry, will get underway.

2015-07-21 | EU | press release | material use of biomass

The future of low-carbon road transport

An expert-workshop report

The promise, prospects, and public policy trade-offs related to the development, production, and use of second-generation biofuels in road transport were addressed in an executive session with 28 of the world's leading experts.

2015-07-21 | International | publication | advanced motor fuels

US government intends to offers funding opportunity for incubator bioenergy projects

The Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy (EERE) intends to issue a Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) entitled “Bioenergy Technologies Incubator 2”.

2015-07-21 | USA | press release | material use of biomass

IEA Bioenergy Conference 2015

27-29 October 2015, Berlin

The IEA Bioenergy Conference will present solutions for the COP21 in Paris.

2015-07-21 | International | event note | renewable energy

Eco-mobility 2025plus conference

9-10 November 2015, Vienna,

95 g CO2/km and lower – Technological Evolution or Revolution?

2015-07-21 | International | event note | alternative powertrains

GRFA, the Global Renewable Fuels Alliance

GRFA, the Global Renewable Fuels Alliance is an international federation representing over 90 percent of the world’s renewable fuels production from 45 different countries.

2015-07-21 | International | press release | biofuels

Leichtes Minus bei Gebrauchtzulassungen in Österreich

m 1. Halbjahr 2015 wurden laut Statistik Austria 513.799 gebrauchte Kraftfahrzeuge zum Verkehr zugelassen, um 0,9% weniger als im selben Vorjahreszeitraum.

2015-07-21 | Austria | press release | markets

DuPont brings cellulosic ethanol technology to China

DuPont and Jilin Province New Tianlong Industry (NTL) announced a licensing agreement to begin the development of China’s largest cellulosic ethanol manufacturing plant, located in Siping City, Jilin Province, China.

2015-07-21 | International | press release | markets

Online-Konsultation "Bioökonomie und FTI-Aktivitäten in Österreich"

Nur noch bis 7.7.2015!

VertreterInnen aus Wissenschaft, Forschung, Technologie und Innovation sind eingeladen, sich im Zuge der Online-Konsultation in die Ausarbeitung der Bioökonomie-FTI-Teilstrategie einzubringen

2015-07-02 | Austria | event note | material use of biomass

Annual report on on state of the European renewable ethanol industry

Released by ePURE

The annual report offers a comprehensive look at the European ethanol industry, its market and policy environment, and is accompanied by a key facts sheet.

2015-07-02 | EU | press release | ethanol

Brazil: more bioethanol, short in sweetener

So far this season mills have directed 61.1% of cane at making ethanol, compared with 57.9% as of a year ago.

2015-07-02 | Brazil | press release | feedstock

Batteriespeicher für Elektrofahrzeuge - wo wir aktuell stehen

Ein Presseartikel auf bringt einen schnellen Ãœberblick auf den aktuellen Stand der Entwicklung bei Auto-Akkus.

2015-07-02 | International | press release | electromobility

Conference "DROP-IN Biofuels – International Conference on Microbial Hydrocarbon Production”

25. to 27. Oct 2015, Frankfurt/Main (Germany)

Goal of the conference is to describe the current development status of the production of liquid hydrocarbons based on renewable resources and to discuss the further potentials for these processes with international experts.

2015-07-02 | International | event note | biofuels

Mitteilungsblatt Biobased Future Juli 2015 erschienen

Mit „Biobased Future“ werden Informationen über nachwachsende Rohstoffe und deren stoffliche und energetische Nutzung verbreitet.

2015-07-02 | Austria | publication | R&D

Fuels of the Future 2016

18-19 January 2016, Berlin

The international conference “Fuels of the Future 2016” is the leading event of the German biofuel industries and a major forum for discussion for German, European and global biofuels policy.

2015-07-02 | International | event note | biofuels
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