Gevo sells renewable jet fuel to NASA
Gevo Inc. has announced that the National Aeronautics and Space Administration has purchased Gevo's renewable alcohol-to-jet fuel for aviation use.
Navigant Research´s “Advanced Energy Now 2015 Market Reportâ€
The market report is the third annual report of market size, by revenue, of the advanced energy industry, worldwide and in the US.
Ceres and RaÃzen: Sweet Sorghum for Ethanol
Ceres, Inc., an agricultural biotechnology company, and Brazilian energy company RaÃzen S.A., have signed a multi-year collaboration agreement to develop and produce sweet sorghum on an industrial scale.
U.S. ethanol exports in 2014 reach highest level since 2011
According to US Energy Information Agency (EIA) U.S. exports of fuel ethanol in 2014 reached their second-highest level at a total of 826 million gallons.
Workshop "Thermally treated biomass and its role in our future energy mix"
4-6 May 2015, Brussels
A joint workshop of the European Biofuels Technology Platform, the International Biomass Torrefaction Council, and the Renewable Heating & Cooling European Technology Platform.
BioTfuel: biofuels via thermochemical conversion
In the BioTfueL project, Total is working with partners to develop technologies for converting lignocellulosic biomass, such as straw, forest waste and dedicated energy crops, into biofuels.
EU reaches tentative deal to cap food-based biofuels
European Union lawmakers reached a tentative deal on Wednesday (1 April) to place a 7% limit on how much crop-based biofuel can be used in the transport sector.
GLOBAL BIOENERGIES: Construction of the German isobutene demo plant started
Global Bioenergies is one of the few companies worldwide, and the only one in Europe, that is developing a process to convert renewable resources into hydrocarbons through fermentation.
Guido Ghisolfi dead
Guido Ghisolfi , 58, was the builder of the first commercial cellulosic ethanol plant.
Christoph-Doppler-Labor für Glycerin Biotechnologie an der BOKU Wien
. Sonnenblumen, Raps oder Ölpalmen zu Biodiesel, verbleiben etwa 10% des Pflanzenöls als Glycerin. Es besteht Bedarf, Glycerin über das bisherige Verwendung in der Nahrungsmittelindustrie, Kosmetik und der Medizin/Pharmazie hinaus neuen Märkten zuzuführen.
US-Ethanol: Long-term Projections 2024
A study of the United States Department of Agriculture projects the next 10 years.
Annual ethanol conference of the US-Renewable Fuel Association
In 2014, the industry churned out a record 14.3 billion gallons of ethanol.
Stellungnahme des Bundesverbands der deutschen Bioethanolwirtschaft
Der Bundesverband der deutschen Bioethanolwirtschaft teilt mit, dass der Umweltausschuss des Europäischen Parlaments am 24. Februar 2015 mit seiner Abstimmung keine tragfähige Reform der künftigen Biokraftstoffpolitik in die Wege leitet.
European Parliament: Environment Committee backs switchover to advanced biofuels
A draft law to cap the production of traditional biofuels and accelerate the shift to alternative sources.
Deutschland: Verbrauch von Bioethanol um 3% insgesamt gesunken
Verbrauch von Super E10 aber um 2,9 % gestiegen.
Weak mineral oil prices beat down prices of vegetable oil
Vegetable oil prices dropped at the end of February 2015.
An analysis of the potential for sustainable e-mobility in Germany
What is the potential of e-mobility developing as a sustainable system innovation?
Statical reports on UK biofuel consumption
The UK Department for Transport released two reports that cover the supply of renewable fuels under the Renewable Transport Fuel Obligation.
Statement from the Commission on the Council's position at first reading on the ILUC proposal
The Commission regrets that the Council position has lowered the level of ambition in mitigating the ILUC impacts of conventional biofuels and contains no significant incentives for the transition towards advanced biofuels and other non - ILUC options.
New Subsidies for Biofuel in Indonesia
Palm oil futures prices climed to a 2-year-peak as Indonesian government is expected to increase biofuel subsidies.