Iogen’s cellulosic biofuel technology reaches production milestone
Iogen Corporation (Canada), and RaÃzen (Brazil) announced they have begun production of cellulosic ethanolat the Costa Pinto sugar cane mill in Piracicaba, São Paulo, Brazil.
Airbus: co-operation with Emerging Fuel Technology Inc.
Airbus Group has signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with Emerging Fuels Technology, Inc.(EFT) to promote EFT in the commercialization of technologies to produce sustainable fuels for aviation.
Biotreibstoffe in der Schweiz
Bioethanol und Biodiesel werden vermehrt gerade von großen Mineralölunternehmen konventionellen Treibstoffen beigemischt.
E2 Advanced Biofuel Market Report - Highlights
E2’s fourth annual Advanced Biofuel Market Report catalogs the growths and challenges in the advanced biofuel industry and provides updates since the publication of the 2013 report.
IEA task 39 Newsletter online
#38 - special issue on the Netherlands
This issue features a Biofuels country update from the Netherlands, an update on Task 39’s ongoing work, and a short summary of some of other relevant news in the Biofuels area (such as the expansion of cellulosic ethanol in the US and Brazil).
U.S. Navy Flies Supersonic With Biofuel
The U.S. Navy, Naval Air Systems Command (NAVAIR), and Gevo, Inc. announced the first successful "alcohol-to-jet" (ATJ) supersonic flight at the Naval Air Warfare Center.
Deutschland: Kein Preisanstieg bei Super E10 wegen CO2-Einsparpflicht
Der Bundesverband der deutschen Bioethanolwirtschaft (BDBe) teilt mit, dass die ab dem 1. Januar 2015 geltende Pflicht, die CO2-Emissionen von Kraftstoffen um 3,5 Prozent zu senken, nicht für Preisanhebungen bei Super E10 verantwortlich ist.
22. C.A.R.M.E.N. Forum: „Energiespeicher – Schlüssel zur Energiewende?!“
Straubing/ Bayern, 16. März 2015
AMFI Newsletter 4/2014
The current issue of the AMFI newsletter has been released.
Land- und forstwirtschaftliche Betriebe in Österreich rückläufig
Im Jahr 2013 gab es in Österreich insgesamt 166.317 land- und forstwirtschaftliche Betriebe. Wie aus der Agrarstrukturerhebung hervorgeht, sank die Zahl gegenüber der letzten Erhebung 2010 um 4%.
Pkw-Neuzulassungen rückläufig
Im bisherigen Kalenderjahr 2014 (Jänner bis November) nahmen die Pkw-Neuzulassungen um 4,1% ab, wobei der Rückgang bei Dieselfahrzeugen höher ausfiel als bei benzinbetriebenen Pkw (-4,8% zu -4,0%).
Oslo becomes first bio-jet fuel hub
Avinor’s Oslo Airport will become the world’s first hub to receive regular deliveries of bio-fuel.
Malaysian state Sarawak poised to be a regional biomass hub
Sarawak takes the regional lead in the biomass based industry with the setting up of South East Asia’s first Commercial Scale 2nd Generation (2G) Bioethanol and Biochemical plant in the state.
Whisky and biofuels
Celtic Renewables has proved the concept of producing biobutanol from draff – the sugar rich kernels of barley.
Greenhouse gas impact of marginal fossil fuel use
This study first analyses the cause-effect relations of the marginal decrease of EU fossil fuel consumption (effect of introducing biofuels) on the global development and exploitation of new fossil fuel sources.
Enzymatic solution for biodiesel
Novozymes announced the launch of Novozymes Eversa®, the first commercially available enzymatic solution to make biodiesel from waste oils.
Whyalla : Green crude demonstration plant
Australia’s first integrated demonstration scale plant to sustainably convert microalgae into green crude.
Boeing ecoDemonstrator 787 flies on “Green Dieselâ€
Boeing has completed the world's first flight using "green diesel," a biofuel that is used in ground transportation.
More action needed to reduce transport's environmental impact in EU
The transport sector is still generating excessive greenhouse gas emissions and harmful levels of air pollution and noise, according to the latest edition of the European Environment Agency's (EEA) annual report on environment and transport.
New ICCT studies
The International Council for Clean Transportation (ICCT) has come up with a series of new publications.