Largest Commercial Advanced Biofuel Facility in U.S.
UOP LLC, a Honeywell company, announced that its UOP/Eni Ecofiningâ„¢ process technology is powering the largest commercial advanced biofuel facility in the U.S., capable of producing more than 130 million gallons of renewable diesel per year.
Coal production and use in China
China is by far the world's largest producer and consumer of coal, accounting for 46% of global coal production and 49% of global coal consumption—almost as much as the rest of the world combined.
Mapping of Finland’s CBG filling stations
Biogas is the only 100% biofuel available in public filling stations in Finland. To facilitate the use of the CBG100 network (CBG100 = 100% Compressed Biomethane) the Finnish Biogas Association published a map of the stations. It has recently received a major upgrade.
C.A.R.M.E.N. Symposium
Erneuerbare Energien - die ökologische und ökonomische Wende
Das 22. C.A.R.M.E.N. Symposium findet am 07.-08.07.2014 in Würzburg unter dem Motto "Erneuerbare Energien - die ökologische und ökonomische Wende" statt.
IEA Bioenergy Task 39 Newsletter online
#36 - special issue USA
Readers of past newsletters will know that Task 39’s tradition is to profile biofuels work occurring withinone of Task’s member countries. This newsletter features a report on the latest biofuels policy, facilities, funding and research developments in the USA.
ForNeBiK-Fachgespräche 2014
20.-21.Mai 2014 in Biberach, Deutschland
Vom 20. - 21. Mai 2014 finden die ForNeBiK-Fachgespräche 2014 in Biberach statt. Themen sind am ersten Tagungstag Biomethanproduktion & -einspeisung, am zweiten Tag Biomethan und Wasserstoff sowie aktuelle Forschung im Bereich Biokraftstoffe der ForNeBiK-Mitglieder.
Biograce II Public Workshop
10 June 2014, Vienna
The BioGrace-II consortium will hold a public workshop in Vienna on 10 June 2014. The project BioGrace-II seeks to harmonise calculations of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions for electricity, heating and cooling from biomass.
Impacts and achievements of IEE Bioenergy projects
Conference 22 May 2014, Brussels
The conference will present the impacts achieved by the projects funded under the IEE programme as well as the final results of eight (8) solid biomass and biogas projects coming to an end in 2014.
Researchers find potential to grow biofuel feedstock on PV farms
Growing agave and other carefully chosen plants amid photovoltaic panels could allow solar farms not only to collect sunlight for electricity but also to produce crops for biofuels, according to new computer models by Stanford scientists.
Associations release renewable energy outlook paper
Multiple renewable energy trade association have teamed up to produce a single report that contains current market reviews, outlooks and policy recommendations for each respective sector, including biomass power, biomass thermal, waste-to-energy, ethanol, biodiesel and advanced biofuels.
EU rapeseed area expands
EU trade associations and the EU Commission estimate the rapeseed area for the 2014 harvest slightly higher than the previous year's figure.
White House releases methane reduction strategy
On March 28, the White House released its Strategy to Reduce Methane Emissions under the President’s Climate Action Plan. The strategy addresses methane from landfills, agriculture, coal mines and oil and gas operations.
7th International AGQM Conference FAME
Call for Papers
Am 6. und 7. November 2014 lädt die AGQM, der technische Verband der deutschen Biodieselindustrie, zum siebten Mal zur internationalen Biodiesel-Tagung in Berlin ein. Der Call for Papers ist ab sofort geöffnet.
7th International AGQM Conference FAME
Call for Papers
AGQM, the technical organization of the German Biodiesel industry, organises the 7th international biodiesel conference on 6th and 7th of November 2014 in Berlin, Germany. The call for abstracts is now open.
Neste Oil and DONG cooperate to develop microbial oil fuel
Neste Oil has joined forces with DONG Energy to develop an integrated process to produce renewable diesel and aviation fuel based on agricultural residues.
BBE/UFOP-Fachseminar „Nachhaltigkeit von Biokraftstoffen“
06. Mai 2014, 9:30 – 16:00 Uhr
Der Bundesverband BioEnergie (BBE) und die Union zur Förderung von Oel- und Proteinpflanzen (UFOP) bieten ein Fachseminar an, in welchem die aktuellen Aspekte zur Umsetzung der Biokraftstoff-Nachhaltigkeitsverordnung und der 36. BImSchV erläutert und die vom ifeu-Institut inzwischen aktualisierte Methode zur Treibhausgas-Kalkulation vorgestellt werden.
GoBiGas gasification plant in Göteborg inaugurated
The Valmet-supplied gasification plant at GoBiGas (Gothenburg Biomass Gasification Project) was inaugurated on March 12, 2014 in Gothenburg.
FNR Leitfaden zur Biogaseinspeisung aktualisiert
Biogas lässt sich in Form von Biomethan besonders effizient nutzen. Was bei der Aufbereitung zu beachten ist, beschreibt der Leitfaden „Biogasaufbereitung und -einspeisung“, den die Fachagentur Nachwachsende Rohstoffe e.V. (FNR) jetzt als umfassend aktualisierte 5. Auflage herausgibt.
Biofuels production drives growth in biomass energy use
Biomass energy consumption in the United States grew more than 60% from 2002 to 2013. This growth is almost entirely due to increased consumption of biomass for biofuels.
The World Aviation & Military Biofuels Summit
23 April 2014, Washington DC
The World Aviation & Military Biofuels Summit is a key annual component within ABLC2014, the bioeconomy leadership and networking event taking place April 21-23, 2014 in Washington, DC.