Task 37 list 2017 of biogas upgrading plants worldwide
The list provides the latest data on biogas upgrading plants, separated in Task 37 member and non-member countries.
Sustainable aviation fuel is used in the Netherlands
Starting per January 14th, the Royal Netherlands Air Force operates her flights from Leeuwarden Airbase on sustainable aviation fuel (SAF).
2nd edition of brochure "Good Reasons for Biofuels"
On the occasion of the new edition of the brochure "Good Reasons for Biofuels", the Union for the Promotion of Oil and Protein Plants (UFOP) determines that the importance of biofuels as a tool for decarbonising the transport sector is increasing worldwide.
Perception and Positions of Stakeholders towards Bioenergy
Free IEA Bioenergy Webinar, 5th February
IEA Bioenergy invites to participate in an international webinar entitled, “Perception and Positions of Stakeholders Towards Bioenergy†presented by Thuy Mai-Moulin and Uwe Fritsche, and moderated by Prof. Dr. Martin Junginger.
26% of 16-year-olds were Licensed Drivers in 2016
The share of 16-year-olds in the US that held driver licenses in 2016 was 26.2%, down from 44.0% in 1990.
IEA Bioenergy Abschlusskonferenz in San Francisco
In der Konferenz wurden die wichtigsten Ergebnisse der Arbeiten im IEA Bioenergy Technology Collaboration Programm (TCP) in der Zeit von 2016 bis 2018 präsentiert.
New study on benefits of biochar
Biochar is a charcoal-like material that research has demonstrated can be beneficial in the agricultural sector.
Corn ethanol: study shows minimal effect on cropland use in the US
A new study co-authored by a University of Illinois researcher shows that the overall effects of ethanol production on land-use have been minimal.
Zur Österreichischen Ratspräsidentschaft – Daniel Kosak zieht Bilanz
Die Ergebnisse der österreichischen Ratspräsidentschaft zur Minderung der Treibhausgasemissionen wurden von Daniel Kosak auf Twitter dargestellt.
„Energypeace“: Apell für ökosozialen Steuerumbau
Energypeace appelliert an die Bundesregierung, Maßnahmen zu beschließen, die ab 2010 die Treibhausgas-Emissionen jährlich um 5% bzw. 4 Mio t zu senken, um das 2030 Ziel von 40 Mio. t CO2 zu erreichen.
France: Increased Biofuel Mandates
Global Bioenergies welcomes the French deputies' vote for the country's 2019 finance bill, which stipulates an increase in the minimum amount of biofuels to be incorporated into motor vehicle fuel.
Renewable Energy Directive - RED II: DIRECTIVE (EU) 2018/2001
The final version of the Directive on the promotion of the use of energy from renewable sources (RED IIi) was published in the Official Journal of the European Union.
Webinar IEA Renewables 2018 market report
Thursday, 17 January 2019 15:00-16:00 CET / 9:00-10:00 EST
Renewables 2018 provides detailed renewable energy analysis and forecasts (2018-23) for the electricity, heat and transport sectors. Modern bioenergy accounts for half of global renewable energy consumption yet its role in decarbonising the global energy system is not widely recognised. For this reason Renewables 2018 includes a special focus on bioenergy.
Rückgang bei PKW Neuzulassungen im Jahr 2018
341.068 Pkw-Neuzulassungen im Jahr 2018; Benziner deutlich vor Diesel-Pkw; Lkw-Neuzulassungen weiter steigend; Rückgang bei Zweirädern
Bioenergy Retrofits for Europe’s Industry
EU-funded BIOFIT project will facilitate bioenergy production by retrofitting Europe’s industries.
IEA Bioenergy Task 39 Newsletter #50 released
The latest Newsletter #50 from IEA Bioenergy Task 39 can be found on the Task Website.
Klimakonferenz Katowice: "Naming and Shaming“
Die Staaten der Erde wollen die globale Erwärmung bremsen - jetzt gibt es ein Regelwerk für das Vorhaben.
Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda 2018
ETIP Bioenergy update
RED II adoption and SET Plan implementation are big steps forward for the deployment of sustainable bioenergy, a fundamental tool to mitigate climate change. Time to act is now.
Decarbonisation of road transport with LNG
BioLNG EuroNet announced a commitment to the further expansion of LNG (liquefied natural gas) as a road transport fuel across Europe.
Bringt organischer Redox-Speicher den Durchbruch?
Zusammen mit Forschungsgruppen deutscher Hochschulen hat CM Blu die Organic-Flow-Technologie in den vergangenen fünf Jahren zur Prototypenreife entwickelt.