Süd-Chemie errichtet Zellulose-Ethanol-Anlage
Die Süd-Chemie AG, München, ein Konzernunternehmen der Schweizer Clariant AG, Muttenz, hat in Straubing den Bau der bislang größten deutschen Anlage zur Herstellung des klimafreundlichen Biokraftstoffs Zellulose-Ethanol aus Agrarreststoffen gestartet
DOE Offers Support for Breakthroughs in Alternative Fuels
DOE will support R&D of biofuels from algae and of natural gas for vehicles. The goal is to help diversify the nation's energy portfolio, and develop alternative vehicle technologies.
Shell and Cosan: future with biofuels
Shell and Cosan launched a multi-billion dollar joint venture that will become a leading producer of the low-carbon biofuel, ethanol made from sugar cane. Named RaÃzen, this major retail and com-mercial fuels company will operate in Brazil, one of the world's fastest-growing markets.
China aims to reach 30% biofuel in aviation fuels by 2020
China Petroleum & Chemical, also known as Sinopec, has applied to China's aviation regulator with the aim to produce aviation biofuel commercially.
Informationsveransaltung Schiefergasförderung - Methoden und Risiken
28.Februar 2012, Wien
Die Veranstaltung „Schiefergasförderung – Methoden und Risiken“ gibt einen Überblick über den Stand der Technik der Schiefergasexploration und widmet sich den möglichen Umweltauswirkungen. Zum Thema referieren drei international anerkannte Experten.
BP Energy Outlook 2030
The BP Energy Outlook 2030 contains our projections of long-term energy trends. It identifies long-term energy trends, building on Statistical Review of World Energy, and then develops projections for world energy markets to 2030, taking account of the potential evolution of the world economy, policy, and technology.
Bioenergy for Sustainable Development in Africa
This contribution to the current global discussion about the sustainability of bioenergy addresses the fact that this debate often ignores the needs and opinions of developing countries. The book specifically addresses bioenergy development opportunities and associated risks for Africa.
Experts agree biodiesel must be part of a sustainable society
Experts from the U.S. and Canada called for increased usage of biodiesel in North America, saying the sustainable transportation fuel protects the continent’s energy security and augments the food supply of the entire world, while providing a positive impact on climate change.
Biomass Supply Challenges: How to meet biomass demand by 2020?
Workshop at the World Biofuels Markets 2012, Rotterdam
The Biomass Supply Challenges workshop is jointly organised by the European Biofuels Technology Platform and the Renewable Heating and Cooling European Technology Platform, and is a side event to World Biofuels Markets 2012.
2nd ABBB Conference Calls for Abstracts
The 2nd Annual Conference on Algal Biomass, Biofuels and Bioproducts has issued a call for abstracts 
for their June 10-13 gathering in San Diego.
Reducing the impacts of biofuels on biodiversity
There is mounting concern that increasing biofuels production is having significant biodiversity impacts. A study by the International Food Policy Research Institute estimated that achieving the EU target would lead to a global increase in cropland of more than 17,000 square km, primarily in Brazil, sub-Saharan Africa and former Soviet Union countries.
Studie zur Lebenswegverfolgung von Biodiesel in der Logistikkette veröffentlicht
Die Filtrierbarkeit von Dieselkraftstoff wird durch Biodiesel nicht negativ beeinflusst - dies ist das Ergebnis einer Studie der Arbeitsgemeinschaft Qualitätsmanagement Biodiesel e.V. (AGQM), die in Kooperation mit den Mineralölgesellschaften Total Deutschland GmbH und OMV AG jetzt abgeschlossen wurde. Dieselkraftstoff gemäß der Anforderungsnorm DIN EN 590 enthält bis zu 7 Volumenprozent Biodiesel.
Study published on the lifespan quality performance of Biodiesel along the logistics chain
Biodiesel does not have a negative impact on the filterability of Diesel fuel – this is the resumé of a study of the Association Quality Management Biodiesel reg. Ass. (AGQM) which was now completed in cooperation with the mineral oil companies Total Deutschland GmbH and OMV AG. Diesel fuel according to standard DIN EN 590 contains Biodiesel of up to 7 % V/V.
Arnold Schwarzenegger zu Besuch in Güssing
Anlässlich seines Österreich-Besuches hat der „glühende Verfechter der erneuerbaren Energie“, Arnold Schwarzenegger, auch die Ökostadt Güssing bereist. Er war begeistert von dem „grünen“ Faden, der sich durch Güssing zieht.
IEA Bioenergy Conference 2012
Vienna, Austria, 13.-15.11.2012
Provides recent research and market developments in bioenergy. The conference includes all topics dealt with by IEA Bioenergy as well as by partner organizations like FAO, GBEP and UNDP.
EPA Report: Biofuels and the Environment
First Triennal Report to Congress
This is the first triennial Report to Congress required under Section 204 of the 2007 Energy Independence and Security Act (EISA). EISA increases the renewable fuel standards (RFS) to 36 billion gallons per year by 2022.
Multitalent Biomethan im Fokus
Neue englischsprachige Publikation im Förderprogramm
Aktuell erscheint mit dem Fokusheft "Biomethane" eine englischsprachige Broschüre über die Herstellung, den Handel und die Nutzung von Biomethan, die von der Programmbegleitung des BMUâ€Förderprogramms "Energetische Biomassenutzung" herausgegeben wird. Das Fokusheft gibt einen Einblick in innovative Forschungen, beschreibt die politischen Rahmenbedingungen und zeigt das Multitalent Biomethan als zukünftigen Systemdienstleister des Energiesystems.
Focus on Biomethane - Biomass for Energy
In this brochure the production, trade and use of biomethane will be described. An insight in innovative research is given, political framework woll be described.
Mediterranean Consortium for Algal Biodiesel
Twelve organizations from Cyprus, Greece, Italy, Malta, Lebanon and Egypt have established Med Algae, a consortium to study the production of biodiesel from algae in selected Mediterranean countries.
Anaerobic Digestion Conference and Expo
San Francisco, USA, 16.-17.05.2012
Use Municipal Solid Waste to build, expand and diversify a profitable Anaerobic Digestion and Biogas Business