Biofuels between science and EU politicians
In order to rebuild confidence in EU decision-making, there is a need to establish a “third independent body†between EU politicians and the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) as neither NGOs nor the industry can say whether a substance should be banned or not.
6,2% mehr Kfz-Neuzulassungen von Jänner bis Oktober 2017; Pkw +7,1%
Von Jänner bis Oktober 2017 wurden laut Statistik Austria 389.244 Kraftfahrzeuge (Kfz) neu zum Verkehr zugelassen, um 6,2% mehr als im selben Vorjahreszeitraum.
BDI erhält weiteren Großauftrag von US-amerikanischem Kunden
Das Unternehmen Crimson Renewable Energy ist der größte Biodieselproduzent in Kalifornien. Knapp ein Jahr nach der Eröffnung ihrer von BDI modernisierten Bestandsbiodiesel Anlage in Bakersfield, setzt der amerikanische Kunde erneut auf die technologische Expertise vom steirischen Spezialanlagenbauer.
Mais- und Rapsanbau in Deutschland: THG-Emissionen einsparen
In zwei Projekten untersuchten Forscherteams die Treibhausgas(THG)-Emissionen beim Mais- und Rapsanbau.
Neste and American Airlines collaborate to explore renewable fuel use
Neste and American Airlines have entered into an agreement to explore opportunities to reduce American's environmental footprint through the use of renewable fuels.
Bioenergy - a graphic introduction
6th International Conference on Lignocellulosic Ethanol - Presentations online
Presentations of the 6th ICLE are now available.
Innovative Mikroalgenproduktionsanlage geplant
BDI-BioEnergy International setzt mit ihrer 100% Tochter BDI- BioLife Science GmbH den ersten Schritt zur Umsetzung einer eigenentwickelten Algen-Technologie, rund € 16 Mio. werden in den Bau einer Industrieanlage zur Produktion von Algenbiomasse investiert.
Plug-in electric vehicles: future market conditions and adoption rates
In 2016, slightly more than 19% of new vehicles sales in Norway were plug-in electric vehicles.
Banning palm oil blocks good practices
Palm oil is not equal to palm oil, ETH Zürich argues in a blog. Since plantations differ massively in environmental and social criteria, a general ban of palm oil in biofuels would punish the wrong producers while having little impact on reducing deforestation.
Project Liberty overcomes preprocessing bottlenecks
The Ethanol Producer Magazine reports on October 24 that Poet-DSM Advanced Biofuels has overcome bottlenecks associated with the feedstock pretreatment process and is now focused on downstream processing at Project Liberty.
“AMBITION†Project integrates Biopower and Biofuels
AMBITION brings together research partners from 8 European countries to create strong, focused and sustainable partnerships between internationally renowned bioenergy research institutions.
Review of Bioenergy Potential - Cadent-Bioenergy-Market-Review
This work suggests that biomethane will continue to make an important contribution to renewable gas generation, but suggests that BioSNG has far greater potential.
Gruppo Mossi Ghisolfi companies bankrupt?
The court of Alessandria admitted Gruppo Mossi Ghisolfi companies to the “concordato preventivo†in accordance with article 161 sixth paragraph of the Bankruptcy Law.
Market share of electrically chargeable passenger cars in 2016
Seit 1995 deutlicher Rückgang bei Luftschadstoffen und Treibhausgasen mit Ausnahme von CO2
Pkw-Neuzulassungen von Jänner bis September 2017 um 7,0% gestiegen, +39,8% mehr Elektro-Pkw
Sustainable food system in Europe possible, but challenging
IEA Bioenergy: ‘The role of industrial biorefineries in a low-carbon economy’
EU ULTRA-E Action for long distance EVs
Long distance electrical vehicles (EV) have a driving distance of up to 500 km. However, charging these new EV would take 1.5-2 hours on existing fast chargers.For this reason, the successful introduction of long distance EV depends on the availability of ultra-fast chargers that will reduce the charging time down to 20 minutes.