1592 records | Showing 41 to 60
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Innovation Fund Workshop

12th September 2019, Brussels

ETIP Bioenergy, in collaboration with the ART Fuels Forum, ETIP Renewable Heating and Cooling and Bioenergy Europe, is organizing the Innovation Fund Stakeholder Workshop on Renewable Fuels and Bioenergy on the 12th of September 2019 in Brussels.

2019-08-22 | EU | event note | bioenergy

Renewables 2018

Marekt analysis and forecast from 2018 to 2023

Modern bioenergy leads the growth of all renewables to 2023, according to latest IEA market forecast.

2019-08-22 | International | publication | renewable energy

The Future of Hydrogen

Seizing today's opportunities

International action can scale up hydrogen to make it a key part of a clean and secure energy future, according to new IEA report

2019-08-22 | International | publication | hydrogen

IEA Bioenergy Task 39 Newsletter #52 online

The latest newsletter #52 from the IEA Bioenergy Task 39 on Transport Fuels is available at the website.

2019-08-22 | International | newsletter | biofuels

The Contribution of Advanced Renewable Transport Fuels to the Decarbonisation of Transport in 2030 an beyond

Workshop, 18th November 2019, Brussels

The answer to the question "Just how large can and must the contribution of advanced renewable transport fuels be?" will be presented in a workshop to be held in Brussels, Belgium, 18th November 2019.

2019-07-16 | International | event note | advanced motor fuels

Greening the Gas Grid in Denmark

Denmark is the country in Europe with the highest share of green (decarbonized ) gas in the gas grid and could be the first European country to become independent of fossil natural gas by satisfying all of gas consumption through green gas produced from food waste, industrial organic waste and agricultural by-products.

2019-07-16 | Denmark | press release | biogas

ENRICH in Brazil: Matchmaking & Innovation Tour to Brazil

23-27 September 2019

In September 2019, ENRICH in Brazil is organising a ‘Matchmaking & Innovation Tour to Brazil’ (23-27 September 2019), considered as an unique networking opportunity for European organizations operating in the area of Bioeconomy, Renewable Energies and technologies applied to these sectors.

2019-07-16 | Brazil | event note | renewable energy

Eco-Mobility 2019 - 14th international A3PS Conference

14-15 November 2019, Vienna

Eco-Mobility 2019 will discuss the impacts of different propulsion system solutions and provide in-depth information on latest developments and innovative strategies. Leadingrepresentatives from industry, R&D and technology policy will report on the activities and strategies for the successful development and market introduction of advanced propulsion systems and fuels.

2019-07-16 | Austria | event note | electromobility

EU-India conference on Advanced Biofuels

Following the success of the 1st EU-India conference on Advanced Biofuels organised in March 2018 the European Commission's Directorate-General for Energy and India's Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Gas decided to organise jointly a second conference on 11-13 March 2019.

2019-06-03 | India | conference review | biofuels

Mehr als E-Mobilität: Warum wir Biotreibstoffe nicht außer Acht lassen dürfen

Interviewreihte Wissenschaft in Niederösterreich

Für die Interviewreihe Wissenschaft in Niederösterreich veröffentlicht auf wurde die Betreuerin des österreichischen Netzwerkes Biotreibstoffe, Andrea Sonnleitner, zur Zukunft der Mobilität im postfossilen Zeitalter befragt.

2019-06-03 | Austria | press release | biofuels

6. Mitteleuropäische Biomassekonferenz

Call for abstracts verlängert bis 1.Juli

Die Einreichfrist für den Call for Papers der 6. Mitteleuropäischen Biomassekonferenz - CEBC 2020 wurde aufgrund zahlreicher Anfragen bis zum 01.07.2019 verlängert.

2019-06-03 | Austria | call | renewable energy

IEA Bioenergy TAsk 39 Newsletter #51

Biofuels Production and Consumption in Brazil: Status, Advances and Challenges

This “seasonal” issue features a lead article by Glaucia Mendes Souza, Brazil’s lead representative to the Task, and her colleagues on "Biofuels Production and Consumption in Brazil: Status, Advances and Challenges".

2019-06-03 | International | newsletter | biofuels

IEA Bioenergy Annual Report 2018

The IEA Bioenergy Annual Report 2018 includes a special feature article ‘Measuring, governing and gaining support for sustainable bioenergy supply chains – lessons and messages from a three-year Inter-Task’ prepared by the Inter-Task team, which was led by Task 40.

2019-06-03 | International | publication | bioenergy

India to build 5,000 biogas plants by 2023

India’s minister of Petroleum and Natural Gas, Dharmendra Pradhan, announced that an estimated 5,000 compressed biogas (CBG) plants were to be built across the country by 2023, The plants, extracting biogas from agricultural residue, cattle dung and municipal solid waste, will have an approximated annual capacity of 15 million tons.

2019-06-03 | India | press release | biogas

IEA Bioenergy Task 33 Workshop “Gas cleaning, experiences, new developments, analytics and diagnostics”

06.-07. June 2019, Karlsruhe, Germany

The goal of the workshop is to share new knowledge and ideas about improvements for gas cleaning and the new developments in gas analytics.

2019-06-03 | Germany | event note | conversion technologies

Die deutsche Bioethanolwirtschaft in Zahlen

Der Bundesverband der deutschen Bioethanolwirtschaft (BDBe) hat die Marktdaten 2018 für die Produktion und den Verbrauch von zertifiziert nachhaltigem Bioethanol veröffentlicht. Die für Kraftstoffanwendung genormte deutsche Bioethanolproduktion sank auf 613.000 Tonnen, ein Rückgang von 8,9 Prozent im Vergleich zum Vorjahr. Jedoch ist in einem schrumpfenden Benzinmarkt der Absatz von Bioethanol im Jahr 2018 um fast 3,0 Prozent gestiegen.

2019-06-03 | Germany | publication | ethanol

Der Milliarden-Joker

Über die Chance, die Paris-Lücke durch freiwillige Klimaneutralität von Unternehmen oder Privatpersonen zu schließen sowie über die aktuellen Fortschritte bei der Umsetzung der Klimaziele in Österreich diskutiert mit Ihnen am 22. Mai ein prominent besetztes Podium aus Vertretern von Wissenschaft, Politik, Wirtschaft und NGOs.

2019-04-24 | Austria | event note | climate

First term of the OPTISOCHEM European project

Global Bioenergies (Euronext Growth: ALGBE) has announced having received a payment of €2.2 million for the OPTISOCHEM project supported by the Bio-Based Industries Joint Undertaking (BBI-JU) the public-private sector partnership between the European Union and the Bio-Based Industries Consortium (BIC) under the European Horizon 2020 programme.

2019-04-24 | EU | press release | material use of biomass

Elektroautos: Allheilmittel für den Klimaschutz?

Eine jüngst veröffentliche Arbeit des ifo-Instituts in München geht kritisch mit der kurz- bis mittelfristigen Perspektive der Elektromobilität um, nachfolgend die (gekürzte) Pressemeldung.

2019-04-24 | Germany | publication | electromobility

Wie umweltfreundlich sind Elektroautos?

Eine ganzheitliche Bilanz des Bundesministeriums für Umwelt, Naturschutz und nukleare Sicherheit in Deutschland.

2019-04-24 | Germany | publication | electromobility
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